Buy with TrustWallet

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The process shown here works for all the Swaps available.

Download TrustWallet from Google PlayStore.

"Click" Install

"Click" Create a new wallet

Write down your secret passphrase for confirmation.

After confirming your wallet phrase your wallet will appear.

"Click" top right corner to add a new contact address.

Contact Address


Select Smart Chain for a Network, then add contact address.

"Click" Done after token info appears.

Select DApps from the bottom menu and connect to PancakeSwap.

"Click" TrustWallet

"Click" Select a currency.

Paste Contract Address

in search area.

Contact Address


"Click" on the TRIIIANGLE

added by user area.

Every Token has a disclaimer

"Click" I understand then Import.

TRIIIANGLE will now show up

in the purshase area.

Type in the amount of tokens you'd like to

add to your investmest wallet ...

Then "Click" for purchase.

It can be purchased with - $BNB, $WBNB, $USDC, $USDT and $DAI.