Buy with Metamask

If you are using a Safari Browser switch to Chrome for easier access.

The process shown here works for all the Swaps available.

Download MetaMask from Google PlayStore.

"Click" Install

Add a password for sign in.

Write down your secret passphrase for confirmation.

Change Main Ethereum Network to Smart Chain.

"Click" and paste token address into

search area.

"Click" next to see the connection in your wallet.

"Click" Qr code reader

to connect wallet to


On your computer connect to

Under Connect wallet "Click" Wallet Connect and use QR code reader to connect your phone wallet to the computer platform.

"Click" for QR reader.

Capture QR Code for platform.

"Click" connect after being prompted.

You should get confirmation of connection after.

Go back to console to and

"Click" Exchange

Add contact address to search area.

"Click" On TRIII

added by user.

Ok the disclaimer.

I Understand and Import.

Add token amount for purchase.

Either BNB, WBNB, USDC, USTD, DAI, CAKE or ETH will be necessary for purchase.